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480GB Exascend SE4 Series Enterprise – Grade 2.5″ SATA SSD EXSE4A480GB


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The SE4 series is an advanced SATA-III product line that comes in a wide variety of configurations to satisfy any enterprise application’s storage needs.

10,250 18,000

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Exascend’s SE4 series features high-performing 3D TLC flash and Exascend’s patented enterprise-optimized features and technologies, delivering SATA-III solution ready for the toughest enterprise workloads. With low latencies and high QoS alongside excellent performance, the SE4 is a perfect choice for enterprise applications.

Series highlights:

High I/O and throughput performance
Consistent I/O latency and high QoS
Optional hardware power loss protection

SKU: 480GB SE3 EXASCEND SSD Categories: , ,
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