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480GB Exascend SI2 Series Industrial – grade mSATA SSD EXSI2B480GB


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Combining capacities from 120 GB all the way to 2 TB with true industrial-grade design, the SI2 series brings incredible flexibility and power with MLC flash and the legacy SATA-III interface.

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he SI2 series achieves true industrial-grade performance in even the most challenging environments with its industrial design at both the hardware and firmware levels – making it the perfect choice for industrial applications that utilize the SATA interface.

Series highlights:

Industrial MLC flash with wide temperature-support (-40 – 85 ºC)
High-performing SATA performance even under sustained load
Available with Exascend’s exclusive rugged technologies

SKU: 480GB 3 EXASCEND SSD Si2 msata Categories: , ,
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