
FSP 550-50ERS 550W 2U 80+ RPS


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Remarkable power density
Excellent redundant PSU efficiency
Operating altitude complies with 5Km certification
Well working performance at 50℃ (24 house running)

26,500 35,000

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FSP550-50ERS is an industrial level switching power supply. This model offers total power capacity of up to 550 Watts, and uses a unique active PFC (Power Factor Correction) circuit design with high-load electrical components which makes it perfect for use in industrial environments. In addition, with its full range input and output electrical features, this power supply is the best choice for server, workstation, communication or any other automation application. This model also complies with the latest safety and EMC standards, which allows it to meet various regulations worldwide.

SKU: FSP550 Category:
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