
QNAP ES1686dc-2142IT-64G


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Next-generation Enterprise ZFS NAS: High-performance and near-zero downtime high availability

1,620,000 2,000,000

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Delivering enterprise high availability, the ES1686dc Enterprise ZFS NAS features Intel® Xeon® D processors, dual active controllers, up to 512 GB DDR4 ECC memory, SAS 12Gb/s, and ZFS that supports logical volume management. The ES1686dc runs the latest QES 2.1.0 operating system that supports near-limitless snapshots, SnapSync, block-level data deduplication, and inline data compression. Whether being used as a mission-critical file server, virtualization server, VDI, medium-sized data center, video streaming, surveillance storage, and efficient file backup & recovery, the ES1686dc helps your business to achieve service-level agreements for performance and uptime.

SKU: ES1686dc-2142IT-128G Category:
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