


Only 2 left in stock

Dual-Port, 4Gbps Fibre Channelto-PCI Express Host Bus Adapter

13,000 19,000

Only 2 left in stock


The QLE2462 is the industry’s first, true
enterprise class, 4Gbps-to-PCI Express® x4 adapter. The QLE2462 delivers
unprecedented levels of performance and availability, as well as intelligent
networking features specific to enterprise class data centers.
Enterprise Class Features. The QLE2462 adapter is the highest performing
and most reliable adapter in the industry. It delivers unmatched performance
by leveraging a single ASIC design, combining a unique hardware
architecture to deliver over 300,000 IOPS, nearly 1.6GBps throughput, and
support for PCI Express x4 bus speeds. More importantly, the QLE2462
adapter provides new intelligent storage networking features that redefine
the enterprise class adapter, providing increased data protection, advanced
frame routing, and enterprise-wide management capabilities.
Simplified Setup. Point-and-click installation and configuration wizards
simplify the adapter setup process. Storage administrators can quickly
deploy adapters across a SAN using standard adapter management tools
and device utilities. The QLE2462 is fully compatible with SNIA API and
SMI-S, thereby allowing administrators to manage QLogic adapters using
third-party software applications.
Comprehensive OS Support. QLogic offers the broadest range of support for
all major operating systems to ensure OS and hardware server compatibility.
Drivers are available for all major operating systems and hardware server
platforms. A single driver strategy per OS allows storage administrators to
easily deploy and manage adapters in heterogeneous SAN configurations.

SKU: Q2462 Categories: ,
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