


Only 2 left in stock

Single Port 8Gb Fibre Channel
to PCI Express Host Bus Adapter

35,000 50,000

Only 2 left in stock


QLE2560 Host Bus Adapter. The QLE2560 is a PCI Express, single port, Fibre
Channel (FC) Host Bus Adapter (HBA). The QLE2560 is part of the QLE2500
HBA product family that offers next generation 8Gb FC technology, meeting
the business requirements of the enterprise data center.
Virtualization Optimized. The QLE2560 delivers enhanced security, Quality
of Service (QoS), and enables dynamic provisioning. The QLE2560 allows
multiple logical (virtual) connections to share the same physical port. Each
logical connection has its own resources and the ability to be managed
Power Optimized. The QLE2560 takes advantage of QLogic StarPower
technology, ensuring power efficiency. QLogic StarPower technology offers
dynamic and adaptive power management features such as power and
bandwidth optimized intelligent PCI Express link training, low-power switching
power supplies, and thermally efficient layout requiring lower airflows.
RAS Optimized. The QLE2560 provides the highest data integrity by ensuring
Overlapping Protection Domains (OPD) on both the control and data paths.
The QLE2560 also utilizes Enhanced Hardware Assist Firmware Tracing
(EHAFT), allowing more comprehensive debugging with standard drivers.

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